Cashflow For Business Owners

Managing Cash in Your Business

Every business owner knows that cash management is vital for everyday operations, but for small and medium-sized businesses, it can be difficult to ensure that the cash you have available is working as hard as it can. Maximising cash returns without compromising on accessibility or business security is something we’re able to help with.

One solution, available to business owners with cash deposits of over £250,000, is provided by Flagstone. It allows accounts to be opened with a panel of banks and easily switch funds between them, helping you achieve better rates and spreading the risk. With over 450 accounts available from more than 30 banks, this service makes it simple to get the most from the cash you have available in your business.

Note: this service is separate and distinct to those offered by St. James’s Place.

Short-Term Cashflow

Ensuring sufficient cash is available to cover everyday business costs is fundamental to running a robust business. However, the understandable caution that many businesses exercise when it comes to maintaining cash deposits ‘rainy day’ funds can mean that surpluses are not earning the returns that they could. By investing surpluses tax-efficiently, these funds could contribute to the business’s longer-term financial security.

Our team can help you calculate the day-to-day cash your business really needs, and assist with the tax-efficient investment of surplus funds. As with all our investment advice, your attitude to risk and tax obligations are always taken into account.

The value of a St. James’s Place investment will be directly linked to the performance of the selected funds. These values can fall as well as rise. You may get back less than the amount initially invested.

Equities do not have the capital security characteristic of deposits with a bank or building society. The value and income may fall as well as rise.

The levels and bases of taxation and reliefs from taxation can change at any time and are dependent on individual circumstances.